The most common pattern on selbu mittens is the star-rose/eight-leaf-rose. It is found on more than half of all registered mittens.
Ram's Horn
Handsome ram horns have inspired the shape of this rose, which is found on several of the oldest mittens.
Both names are used for the same pattern. The shape fits the woodlice, the diagonal lines match the spider. What they have in common is that the pattern is inspired by creepy crawlies that shows during summer.
Animal Patterns
Animal patterns became popular from the 1930s and onward. The knitters got better pay for animal patterns, which was a good thing as they could be difficult to knit.
The Women of Kallarstrø
Petrine Kirkvoll and Kari Kallarstrø, niece and aunt who lived together, made a living off knitting. Two things recur when looking at mittens knitted at Kallarstrø. The first is a particular rose, which is referred to as the Kallarstrø rose, the other is a specific partitioning of the mitten blade - composite patterns, with one large and one smaller rose.